On 24 March, the Minister of Health issued a ordinance amending the ordinance on declaring the state of the epidemic in Poland.
Therefore, from 25 March to 11 April 2020, it is forbidden to travel, except for the purpose of:
- performing professional activities or tasks and carrying out business activity – therefore, it is allowed to travel and return from work, and in connection with the performance of work, e.g. as a sales representative, courier or for business travel purposes;
- carrying out an agricultural activity or work on an agricultural holding;
- the purchase of goods and services connected with the performance of work, business or agricultural activity;
- supplying essential basic necessities of everyday life such as food shopping, household purchases and visits to a doctor or psychologist;
- supplying essential basic necessities of everyday life such as food shopping, household purchases and visits to a doctor or psychologist;
- helping to counter the effects of coronavirus, including through volunteering;
- participating in religious activities or rituals.
The regulation defines the acceptable way of moving:
- Two people can simultaneously move along on foot at a distance of not less than 1.5 m from each other;
- When using public transport, each public transport vehicle may carry a maximum number of people of not more than half the seats in the vehicle. This restriction does not apply to transport organised by employers for their employees (e.g. buses exclusively designed to transport employees to work).
The Ordinance does not specify the permissible way of travelling by private means of transport (e.g. passenger cars – their restrictions do not apply).
These restrictions do not apply to the relatives.